Year: 2017 | Month: August | Volume 7 | Issue 4

Effect of Polyherbal Additives on Intake, Growth and Nutrient Digestibility in Yorkshire Male Pigs

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Growth trial of thirteen weeks’ duration was carried out on 24 pigs (2 months age; 12.5 kg b. wt.) which were divided into four groups of 6 pigs each and were fed with control diet concentrated feed mixture (CFM) (T0), CFM plus polyherbal superliv (500 g/ton) (T1), CFM plus polyherbal Ruchamax (500g/ton) (T2) and CFM plus AV/AGP/10 polyherbal (500g/ton) (T3). The dry mater intake (DMI) (g/d) in T0, T1, T2 and T3 groups were 1152.80, 1277.59, 1204.73 and 1186.13 respectively where significantly (P<0.01) higher dry mater intake (DMI) was observed in T1 group. Significant (P<0.01) difference was observed among treatment groups in organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), crude fibre (CF), nitrogen free extract (NFE), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF), cellulose and hemicellulose intake. Similarly, significantly higher (P<0.05) weight gain, feed conversion ratio (FCR) and feed efficiency ratio (FER) was noticed in T1 group when compared to other groups. The digestibility of DM, OM, NFE, NDF, Cellulose and Hemicellulose were significantly (P<0.01) different. It was concluded that superliv polyherbal supplemented group significantly improved weight gain, FCR and net profit than the other polyherbal supplemented and control group without any deleterious effect on pigs.

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